The clinic called this morning. Apparently things look healthy enough to wait until Day 5 for the transfer. We go in on Saturday morning.
Of the six that fertilized, we have,as of today:
4 8-celled, Grade 1 embies
1 7-celled, Grade 1 embie
1 8-celled, Grade 2 embie
We're cautiously optimistic.
Go little embies, go!
Binky, that's terrific! I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you.
Binky, that's good! Fingers crossed for a good transfer tomorrow.
Excellent! Good luck!!
Yay, Binky - that's awesome! Smooth-transfer vibes coming your way.
Binky, good luck tomorrow!
yeah hooray!
Holy crap, that is EXCELLENT! Yay, quality!
Also: man, everyone gets a Day 5 transfer but me. I'm like the H&M of embryo-making...cute, but notoriously bad quality.
That's wonderful! Good luck tomorrow.
Congratulations Binky, that's the best news ever. You couldn't ask for better! Best of luck tomorrow and wishing implantations and stickiness.
Excellent news! Good Luck tomorrow!
Yay, Binky! Excellent results! I'm staying SO hopeful for you!
Best of luck to you!
hey! that's some good news!
Fabulous fertilization Binky! I hope that your transfer goes very well!
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