Monday, January 29, 2007

Bok, bok, bokaaaaak!

I'm still feeling a little blech, but all went just fine today. They warmed up the bed, and the gown, and the socks, and although it took them three agonizing tries to get an IV started, once they did they put really good drugs in there. The first one made me loopy, and the second led to a nice little half hour cat nap.

They got 7 eggs out of me, a "reasonable" number, according to Dr. Droopy Dog. We had some unexpected motility issues, but they should be able to fix that using ICSI -- "intracytoplasmic sperm injection," which is a fancy way of saying they inject the sperm right into the egg. It's always something.

The clinic will call tomorrow with the "Fertilization Report," which really makes me feel like a farm animal. The next few days are crucial. We'll find out how many fertilize, and how many embryos grow, and how many fragment, and how many are total crap.

Please keep the prayers, thoughts, incense, spells, incantations, fertility dances, melon hurling etc. coming.


Tiara said...

fingers are crossed!

Ann said...

Come on, eggs and sperm! Lots of hugs...

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I feel the same way about the ADL IVF thread. People can post all the insensitive comments and situations directed to them in the "things people say" thread, and then totally overlook how hurtful their own comments can be.