Friday, August 29, 2008

Since You've Been Gone

Atomic has missed a few developments on the Gabby front since he's been away. Things move pretty fast here in babyland. In the past week, Gabby has:

  • become super proficient at getting Cheerios into her mouth;
  • gotten her first haircut;
  • tried a few new foods, including yogurt, egg yolks, cheese, and mushrooms;
  • gotten really good at crawling;
  • cut a third tooth;
  • pulled herself up to standing a gazillion times;
  • visited an old timey mining town with burros who wander the streets (She looooooved the burros, and they apparently loved her as well, which explains why they kept trying to eat her);
  • gotten a new bathing suit;
  • gone swimming with her best buddy Portia;
  • tried gnawing on some bread;
  • figured out the whole "peekaboo" thing;
  • signed "milk" very clearly for the first time;
  • experienced her first thunderstorm (which she slept through);
  • watched portions of her first Democratic National Convention (and witnessed history in the making);
  • made tons of new friends; and
  • fallen truly, madly, deeply in love with her Meema and Grandpa in Arizona.
It's been a fun and eventful week with a giant gaping hole in the middle. Hurry home, honey, before she starts walking!

1 comment:

Brittney Corrigan said...

Elliot started walking just a few days after Thomas arrived home from BM in 2004. Imogen is apparently waiting for him to come home to start walking, too, though I'm sure she's only a few days away from her first steps. Tell Gabby good girl for waiting for her papa! Thanks for your comments on my blog - time for the boys to come home! (Maybe we can arrange that vacuum bag party for next year...)